Grasping the Evils of Medical Credentialing and its Consequences on the Health Practitioners Funding


In the eyes of health care practitioners, medical credentialing is not simply an extra regulatory procedure; indeed, it is a fundamental exercise which guarantees patient welfare, adherence to the law, and provision of sufficient funds. With the ever increasing number of laws in the business today, credentialing has been crucially important because it protects a provider’s ability to submit claims to insurance companies, remain licensed to practice and provide care. Thus again, it is important for the providers to look at the entirety of the credentialing process if they want to make the most out of their business and especially to thrive in it long term.

What Is Medical Credentialing and Why Does It Matter?

The process through which different healthcare practitioners are screened and their qualifications authenticated is known as medical credentialing. This is done for the purpose of ensuring that patients receive the best possible care, with minimum risk to the patient and society in general, as well as for legal reasons. In the case of medical providers such as health care centers, it includes a review of the individual’s education, training, license to practice, certificates obtained, and malpractice records. Having proper credentialing is a prerequisite for being in the insurance network, which enables the providers to receive payment for services offered.

Credentialing helps practices to avoid denied claims and delayed reimbursements, which can have dire financial consequences. That is why it is self-evident that candidates being credentialed are indeed qualified to provide healthcare.

Essentially, the medical credentialing process is protracted implying that it can be broken down into key stages as summarized below :

Step 1: Application from Practitioner

This process starts when a healthcare practitioner fills out an application to become a part of an insurer, an hospital, or other healthcare organisation. The application form itself is comprehensive in nature and contains personal and professional data and documentation to support the practitioner’s clinical biography to ensure proper correlation between them. This step is critical during verification of a candidate’s education or experience in clinical practice and the basic qualifications of the practitioner to assess integration into the network of providers.

Step 2: Education, Ceremony and License Verification

In order to practice as a medical practitioner, a clinician must meet certain conditions, verification of which is an important step in the process of admission, for example, it includes engineering graduates or postgraduate business school graduates who have at least some time spent in residency. This information is the initial information and is verified by the credentialing team while establishing which countries the clinician has worked in and where the graduate gained their training and which board endorsements were received. Verbally confirming the clinician’s state medical licence is also part of this process for the purpose of determining its currency.

Step 3: Checks of Background and Missing Peer Reviews

The medicolegal factors concerning malpractice, disciplinary history or criminal record are verified by the credentialing teams with the help of thorough investigations. These checks aid in assuring the provider’s professionalism, ethics and legal standing. Moreover, some organizations necessitate clinical peer reviews for a primary evaluation of the provider’s clinical competence.

Step 4: Insurances Signups Of The Provider

Henceforward verified, the provider is enrolled with the corresponding insurance networks enabling them to reimburse the provided services. Significantly enrolling with Medicare, Medicaid, and even private insurers assures a steady cash flow into the provider’s practice.

Step 5: Continuous Supervision and Re-Credentialing of Providers

Credentialing is not a one-time task. It is expected for the providers to undergo re-credentialing in a periodic manner, often after 2 to 3 years. Re-credentialing guarantees that the provider’s qualifications are up to date and assists the payer in confirming the continuous eligibility of the provider.

The Role of Credentialing in Business Processes of Healthcare Facilities

The scope of medical credentialing is more than adherence to regulations but rather important for the efficiency of business healthcare practices. Below are a few points elucidating the importance of credentialing:

  1. Medical Billing and Financial Administration

Maintaining proper credentials is pivotal in billing as it determines the healthcare service’s revenue cycle. A provider unable to bill or obtain reimbursement from third-party payers is cause for concern as it is a result of failing to maintain medical credentials. Underpayment, denied claims, and tardy payments are some of the repercussions of incorrect or incomplete credentialing. All of those have debilitating effects on the cash inflow for a practice.

  1. Adherence to Regulatory Standards and Safety of Patients

Credentialing is the process through which the health system can guarantee the compliance of the healthcare professionals with the established norms by locators or by state and federal governments. This is useful for maintaining the organization’s reputation with their clients by ensuring that only those with exceptional training and experience provide healthcare services. This in return, reduces the likelihood of malpractices in the medical profession and ensures patient safety.

  1. Strengthening Patient Trust and Loyalty to Hospitals

Encouraging patients to develop confidence in the care received from their healthcare providers is ensured by compensating them with the right credentials. Provisioning attaches a significant degree of confidence to patients that their healthcare providers possess the requisite training, education, and work experience to provide care. This tends to improve the level of patient satisfaction and overall outcomes.

How to Maintain an Effective Credentialing Program

Industry practitioners are able to undertake the tedious credentialing process in a way that it remains effective and efficient by considering various recommended best practices such as the following:

  1. Regularly Update Credentialing Information

Healthcare providers should be cautious and always ensure that they are proactive and reporting credentialing information that is up to date. Maintaining proper certificates and licenses, and renewing them are part of the requirements. Timely updates are crucial because they minimize potential operational delays or loss of revenue.

  1. Invest in Credentialing Software

Encouraging healthcare organizations to use specialized software during credentialing changes the thinking of these organizations. Errors can be lessened and varied workflows automated by moving the credentialing process to designated software. Such software allows healthcare organizations to track credentialing activities such as expiration dates, deadlines for submission and status updates.

  1. Employ an Outside Company That Provides Credentialing Services

Credentialing to health care institutions which don’t have credentialing staff could be contracted with specialized companies. These companies provide healthcare professionals the entire credentialing process from verifying the qualifications of the medical providers to re-credentialing them, so that the caregivers can concentrate on doing their jobs and not administrative functions.

Credentialing in the medical field is of paramount importance as it helps healthcare providers to always ensure the highest standards of patient care, in order to get consistent payments from the insurer. As the organizational structures modernize, Health care providers and institutions take up proper measures to ensure that proper systems and measures are put in place, that brings credibility to the institution, which in turn helps the organization secure a better reputation amongst the patients.

As a healthcare professional, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the credentialing process through which practices are vetted and successful providers are enlisted. Practitioners and healthcare providers can take control of the practice by timely approval of and updating of credentials timely and looking into various software options and outsourcing that ensures that they are always up to date and compliant for maximum financial gain.

Our approach towards helping Novel healthcare providersIf you are part of a healthcare practice that is overburdened by the intricate and complicated managerial aspects of credentialing and ensuring a high success rate in recruitment, then we at TechCare Global can help you. Call us today and find out how we can make your processes easier and more rewarding for you in terms of a greater revenue flow.