How a Dog Bite Lawyer Can Help You Win Compensation

Sustaining a dog bite comes with its own consequences. This could mean physical injuries, emotional trauma, and even financial stress. Less severe bites and even attacks can lead to an individual facing serious medical bills, receiving insufficient payouts due to time off work, and developing long-lasting psychological issues. If you or a loved one recently suffered a dog bite, it is possible you may receive compensation. The help, however, has never been easy to achieve since there are always problems involving getting help from insurance companies or dealing with liability laws. This is exactly why dog bite lawyers are so important.

Experts that work in dog bites are great at coming up with plans that can help prove responsibility, help claim damages, provide medical assistance, and even resolve payment issues that the client has. This is the main way they are sure you receive payment that is fair and covers the damage done.

Awareness of Dog Bites Laws

Every state enforces different laws when it comes to dog bites; some maintain strict liability laws and others have a combination of multiple laws. For instance, in a strict liability case, a dog owner can be sued for the damages their pet caused regardless of the animal’s background, whereas under the one bite rule, the owner will only be liable if they were aware of their dog’s aggressiveness. An expert dog bite attorney will know how to effectively manage your case in these situations.

A state’s comparative negligence laws could work in your favour even if you were to blame for some of the barking (for example, inciting the dog). An expert attorney would evaluate your case and work to ensure you receive the maximum possible compensation based on the state’s regulations.

The Role of the Dog Bite Lawyer and How They Can Help Your Case

1. Value Determination of Your Claim

Most dog bite victims do not realise how much their losses really cost. A dog bite lawyer can take into account all components of your case, including but not limited to:

  • Medical costs (current/future treatments)
  • Wage gaps due to absence from work and reduced ability to work
  • Suffering
  • Psychological trauma (for example, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or depression)
  • Chronic physical disfigurement or impairment

An attorney will account for both tangible and intangible costs to facilitate the process of receiving a reasonable settlement.

2. Gathering Evidence

Sturdy proof is needed to bolster a case, and dog bite lawyers try to get the most evidence they can. A dog bite lawyer will likely:

  • Obtain medical documents marking the injury
  • Get statements from witnesses
  • Take videos/photographs of the scene of the attack as well as the injury
  • Look through animal control and police records
  • Gather required expert statements such as those from physicians or animal behaviour specialists

Having enough proof will increase your chances of getting the compensation that you deserve.

3. Determining Who Is Liable

Owning a dog usually comes with liabilities for dog bites, but other parties may also be liable, including landlords, dog walkers, and businesses that permit dangerous dogs on the premises. A dog bite attorney will analyse the case to determine all responsible parties and construct a suitable strategy as required.

4. Dealing With the Insurance Company

As a business, insurance companies will attempt to minimise payments, if not refuse outright, to lessen the impact on their profits. In the absence of a lawyer, you can lose all, or a reasonable amount, of money due to the claim. A dog bite lawyer will take care of:

  • Communications to and from the insurance companies
  • Proving counteroffers to receive low initial compensation
  • Supplementing payment through other negotiations

Your lawyer can present the situation in front of a judge if settlements do not work so that the defendant can be ordered to pay the plaintiff.

5. Filing A Suit If You Have To

Issuing a suit could come next if an insurance firm does not want to provide any form of proposed settlements. Your dog bite solicitors will work on your case, show up to represent your interests in court, and handle all suitable logistics that will always be in favour of you throughout the process.

What to do after a dog bite injury

If you have been bitten by a dog, follow the steps below to help you with the claim process:

Quickly visit a medical professional – Even the slightest nips can infect you with rabies.

Calling animal control or the police would be the best initial step to take when dealing with the incident.

My next recommendation would be to take pictures of the place where the bite occurred as well as your current injuries. This will Document the Attack.

If you were able to obtain any eyewitnesses, ask them for their side of the events. This will Obtain Witness Information.

The sooner you consult a solicitor, the better chances you have at winning compensation. Consult a Dog Bite Solicitor.

What to Consider When Choosing a Dog Bite Solicitor

Have in mind that in order to win compensation, you need to pick a competent solicitor who has:

A specialisation in Dog Bite Cases – That way you know you will have with them appropriate legal knowledge.

Look for reviews and case results of the solicitor you wish to hire. This will help you have A Proven Track Record.

A solicitor should always give you updates during the process. Strong Communication Skills are important.

The vast majority of dog bite solicitors work on a contingency fee, which most people see as an advantage. This means you will not pay any money upfront.

Suggested Read: Medical Negligence Lawyers


Even though dog bites can be life-changing, legal processes can improve the situation. An adept dog bite solicitor can help you deal with convoluted laws, gather information, talk to insurance companies, and guarantee you get the compensation you deserve. In case you or someone close to you has suffered from a dog attack, don’t wait too long. See a professional dog bite solicitor immediately to defend your interests and get the justice that is rightfully yours.